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Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect in the first session?

The first session (and possibly the second) is considered an intake session or diagnostic interview, which is me asking you questions so that I can gather more information/history and then assist you in establishing goals that you want to work towards in your therapy.

Can I use my insurance?

At this time, I am in network/contracted with Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, and Spring Health. If you have any insurance other than the ones that I am currently in network with, then you cannot use your insurance directly. If you have an insurance plan with a different provider and your plan covers full/partial cost of treatment with an out-of-network provider, then I can provide you with documentation (superbill), that you can submit to your insurance company for full/partial reimbursement. Also, if you have a health savings account (HSA) then you can use your HSA credit card towards the cost of therapy.

Can I see you as frequently or infrequently as I want?

Sort of, as you can decide if you want weekly therapy (1 x per week) appointments or biweekly (every other week), however, it isn't ideal to start therapy infrequently such as 1 x per month as there is a process involved in this type of work in which it is best to meet more frequently in the beginning and possibly less frequently once desired outcomes are close to being achieved or have been  achieved and you are in the maintenance stage of therapy. My schedule does not allow for more than 1 x per week unless a crisis arises to which I will make contact and assist accordingly.

Can I have online therapy sessions with you wherever I am, such as if I am out of town or if I'm driving home from work?

Unfortunately, no, but for good reasons. I am only licensed in the state of California and in accordance with the laws pertaining to my license, legally I can only provide services if you are in the state of California (but that can be anywhere in California). I also do not provide therapy to persons while they are operating a vehicle as this is a safety issue for you and others on the road and a potential legal liability for me. On that matter, it is also necessary that when you are receiving online therapy, that you have a safe space with privacy to share freely.

Is everything I tell you confidential?

Everything shared in therapy is confidential with some exceptions (as safety is a priority and I am also a mandated reporter meaning under my professional license I am required by law to break confidentiality and contact necessary agencies if the following is shared with me during a therapy session): 

  • If someone that is currently under the age of 18 has been/is being abused in any capacity (this also includes minors being exposed to domestic violence)

  • If someone currently age 65 and older has been/is being abused in any capacity

  • If a dependent adult (someone age 18+ with a developmental delay/disability) has been/is being abused in any capacity

  • If threat of harm to others with plan/intent exists

  • If threat of harm to self (suicide) with plan/intent exists

  • If a legal case arises and records of your treatment are subpoenaed

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